Thursday, May 13, 2021 – Topic Session
1. Eric Dick, Informaticist III, HealthCare Analytics
2. Kristy Garan-Martinez – Senior Director, Medical Management
3. Shelly LaMaster – Director, Integrated Care
Protecting people with disabilities in emergencies using Geographic Information System (GIS) – Inland Empire Health Plan’s (IEHP) promising practices
Using location intelligence to monitor IEHP members, providers, and facilities during wildfires in power outages [See attached description]
Inland Empire Health Plan’s (IEHP) promising practices regarding protecting people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs in emergencies using the capabilities of available Enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS) ESRI software packages
Tags/codes, data fields used to enhance this data to be as helpful and meaningful as possible. Types of data pulled for member subgroups at highest risk, i.e., diverse groups using a variety of mobility devices, durable medical equipment, and those dependents on temperature-controlled medications, clean air quality related to breathing difficulties, backup power, etc.
Crossover and compatibility with assessment fields with a variety of IEHP departments, or example: what the case managers use? How information flows to and from appropriate departments and their data, software compatibility
Cooperative agreements with the local utilities regarding information sharing
History of relationship with ESRI and level of support provided to IEHP And more