If you are in immediate danger please contact your local emergency services or dial 9-1-1.


In March 2021, CFILC and the DOnetwork created a disability community information and advocacy toolkit on COVID-19 vaccine access in California. Click for Spanish version of the toolkit. (Last updated 3/27/2021)
CFILC and the DOnetwork created an accessible COVID-19 bubble map chart containing informative resources (ways to stay connected, safety plans, etc.). You can make #EmpoweredChoices. (PDF).
YO! Disabled and Proud's accessible informational flyer for youth ages 12 and up (PDF).
CFILC and DOnetwork are promoting “vaccine readiness” by taking to the social media airwaves! The new project, “Crip Vax Stories,” seeks to build an ongoing awareness, to promote acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine within the disability community. Click for the Crip Vax Stories.
Creating an Accessible Vaccine Experience for People with Disabilities and Older Adults (PDF).
American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) COVID-19 Vaccine & and Disability Report (PDF).
The Richard Devylder Disaster Relief Fund assists individuals with disabilities replace lost critical assistive technology, tools and devices, and is also covering some motel/hotel stays.

An exhaustive list put together by The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies. Word Doc updated regularly. (Version 4/1/2020)

A full listing of California based Centers for Independent Living and associations. Info provided by Independent Living Research Utilization.


To report a concern or complaint of discrimination, please:

  • Call FEMA at 202-212-3535 and press 1 for Civil Rights
  • Send an email to: [[email protected]] ;or
  • Send a letter explaining the issue to: [FEMA OFFICE OF EQUAL RIGHTS, Civil Rights Section 500 C Street, SW, Room 4SW-0915, Washington, DC 20472-3505]

Information & Research

Some states and medical professionals have begun developing guidance protocols for rationing acute medical care, meaning guidelines to determine who will have access to life-saving treatment.  Many of these plans rely on disability-based distinctions, illegally discriminating against people with disabilities.

An informational sheet developed by to help explain HR 6201 - The Families First Act.

A letter from the Health and Human Services Agency - Department of Social Services in reference to HR 6201 Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

On March 19, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-33-20 directing all residents immediately to heed current State public health directives to stay home with the exceptions of those listed here. Info provided by

Dept. of Education: Q&A for IDEA and students with disabilities during COVID-19.

Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Schools While Protecting the Civil Rights of Students.

The IL-NET Training and Technical Assistance Center at ILRU has received reports of individuals with disabilities who have been forced to move into nursing homes or institutions in the past few weeks because needed personal assistance services ended. Please help us better determine the scope and severity of this problem by completing the survey.

Info provided by

If you or someone you know is disabled, know your rights to medical care - COVID-19. Info provided by Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) and Disability Rights California (DRC).

OSHA releases guidelines for employers and workers to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

A PDF download from the California Department of Public Health website which addresses the dynamic needs and prevention measures of individuals, caregivers, adult day programs, health programs, and staff in the access and functional needs space .

Tools & Tips

Preparing for Hospitalization During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Checklist for People with Disabilities

Coronavirus Scams & Fraud Alert
[English] | [Spanish]

Unfortunately, there are people who are taking advantage of this public health crisis and stealing personal information and sometimes even money. State Council on Developmental Disabilities worked with SAC6 and the Valley Mountain Regional Center to create these guidelines to help you avoid falling for a scam.

A seniors specific COVID-19 Scam Fraud alert tip sheet developed by California Senior Medicare Patrol.

If you push a manual wheelchair or use other types of assistive technology (AT), there are unique precautions you should take.

Tips for planning a rapid emergency COVID-19 response for organizations supporting people with disabilities, and personal assistant services users.

Accessible in-house developed documents created to assist you in preparing for the next disaster.