The Coalition
The California Foundation for Independent Living Centers is proud to lead the statewide Disability Disaster Strategies Coalition. The coalition provides a space for individuals with and without disabilities who provide disaster and emergency programs, services, and supports to disabled people and those with Access and Functional Needs before, during and after a disaster. Coalition meetings occur twice a month and include specific deep dive disaster/emergency topic call discussions and a second call that is focused on organizing and networking across programs. The goal of the coalition is to bring together advocates and service providers that are working to ensure individuals impacted by a disaster or emergency are provided inclusive programs, services and resources to maintain their health, safety, independence and resiliency.
- Engage a wide range of stakeholders with a shared interest in the disaster-related rights and needs of people with disabilities;
- Anticipate and identify problems people with disabilities will face in disasters;
- Share good practices;
- Drive program and policy changes;
- Assure compliance with civil rights obligations;
- Prevent harm during and after disasters;
- Provide tools and resources to disaster-impacted people with disabilities, local disability organizations, and other stakeholders;
- Solve problems, increase whole community inclusion, meet accessibility requirements, improve community-wide disaster resilience and optimize outcomes for all.
By and for the Disability Community
To receive information regarding future calls and other disability-related emergency information from the California Disaster Strategies Coalition join the CADisasterCoalition mailing list.
Click the button below or send an email to [email protected] with the word "Subscribe" in the subject line.
CA Disaster Strategies Coalition: Topic Sessions
The monthly Topic Sessions cover emergency and disaster impacts on people with disabilities. Join us on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10:30am to 12:00 noon (PST). The sessions include a brief presentation for 20-30 minutes and a robust discussion up to 60 minutes. Hosted by June Kailes, National Expert Consultant.
CA Disaster Strategies Coalition: Organizing and Networking Meeting
In collaboration with other likeminded individuals, this meeting develops community organizing strategies and provides updates on systems change impacting disaster and emergency policies. Join us on the 4th Thursday of each month from 10:30am to 12:00 noon (PST). Note: This meeting is postponed until further notice.