What’s In Your Go Bags?

Thursday, August 12, 2021 – Topic Session

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Speakers: Marilyn Golden and Roxann Crawford

What’s in Your Go Bags? We injected a little competition to make it fun using exceedingly skilled independent judges, who awarded a few highly coveted emergency-kit prizes for creative, customizable, and unique answers!

P2PL Call (peer-to-peer learning – Strengthening our disaster resilience via shared experiences ) roundtable discussions that understand, honor, and value the details, diversity, nuances, and complexity of the lived disability experience and survival strategies.

General emergency preparedness information is vital for everyone. However, emergency preparedness information for the general population is not always equally applicable for people with disabilities. Typical preparedness material such as “make a plan, build a kit, be informed” often lacks the needed granular disability details .

As H. L. Mencken put it: “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

Who better to explore with and learn from than people:
– who work on emergency issues through the disability lens
– with disabilities and others with access and functional needs who live the experience.

Most people with disabilities don’t benefit from family and generation-to-generation disability survival skill learning, as we are the only individual in our family with a disability..